
Wild, Wonderful, Wacky Wednesday

It's turkey week. No work, food and Black FRIDAY.

We had a Thanksgiving Luncheon at my work at the PSNet HQ.
It came an hour late. It was cold so we had to microwave all of it.
Floyd, the sweet little handicap, came to dine with us.
He and I watched KISS videos on Youtube. He knew it all by heart.
He then wanted to see some Osmonds. Loved this one. The ending is GREAT.

My boss invited a few friends as well. One was Michelle and her 5 year old quintuplets. They are the cutest. &the most destructive. &how they were blessed with both traits I'll never know.

It was dinner and a movie. We ate and they ran around the office and pulverized each other. One would throw the other down and punch and then the other two would be strangling their necks and spinning around. One rammed right into the glass door and toppled over.
A vase broke and that's when mom called it quits.

S now, my phone keeps going off but no one is on the other end. I'm watching the switch board and everybody's lights are going off. Pretty sure there is a pranking war going on. I answer one call..."HELLO THIS IS CHAD." Hang up. No answer, no answer, then Steve in his office. Steve on a different phone two seconds later. Jen on a phone. Audrey on a phone. My switchboard looks like flashing Christmas lights.

Does this mean I can go home?

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