

Ya know how a fly lands on your arm and at first it feels good, but then you look down and realize what it is and your immediate thought is that you want to flick it off?
Well that is how life is. :)

Something is going great and then I realize that it is actually very far from it.
Oh life, you are a tease.

We had a house getting built, Dennis had a job he loved, we thought we were settling ourselves in my hometown.

Before we could blink, we are shopping for another place to live, a new job for Dennis, and a lawyer that specializes in wrongful termination.
The landlord also posted a sign on our lawn that fell over and scratched the side of our Mazda. Beauty.
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern WASN'T having its premiere last night like we thought.

Life you are so cruel.

Who knows where we will end up and what will happen.
If I don't post for awhile, it's probably because we are living somewhere temporary and so small that we aren't even bothering to hook up our computers.

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