
GottaBoogi OnMaFinger & I CantShakeItOff

Don't ask, all you need to know is it was a song that my dear friends Jeni and Alison used to sing many many moons ago on our many many camping trips.

Good times to be had with the Carter and Jones fam. I spent 75% of my childhood with these guys. Game nights, camping, vacations, and the likes.

A part of me misses it dearly.
Why I am reminded of these days is because of the following:

I read Alison's blog.
She posted this.
I can't believe my eyeballs.

Look at Alison and I CRUSH THAT DIRT!
Why yes, I am wearing a Buster Bunny T-shirt!
You are jealous.

Summer is making me want to camp and have crazy mad fun.


alison said...

Ahh! You're amazing Kybo, and I'm so glad I got to spend 75% of my childhood with You and Jeni. I could seriously have an entire blog of just Jeni/Kylee experiences. Remember how we'd carve our names on every tree (JAK forever) or something like that. And then all the dorky stuff we did when we weren't camping. LIke the "IT'S OKAY!!" dress up experience with you. The waterballoon babies we made. JAK soda we were going to invent. The CHUGGA CHUGGA...CHOO CHOO. OH snap! I am remembering Fun Dome stuff now. I better stop now, I could go on forever!

Or the "CHECKPOINT!" N64 thing. The time we played nintendo monopoly all night. How your favorite movie was "The Pest" or when we'd spy on the older kids when we had sleep overs. Crap face, I can think of a bazillion other things.

Let's get together yeah, yeah, yeah... What do you say?

alison said...

Hey, I want to read more from your amazing blogging mind!