
Would you rather be attacked by an elephant or have baby drool all over your face?

I'll take a stab in the dark here and guess that you have never been asked this question. I thought back, past my marriage life, clear down to the day Byron Gurney threw up at the fire station in 2nd grade, and then even further, and realized, nope I have yet to hear that one as well. Dear friend, you are not alone.

I am asking because of what I witnessed this morning. Kai is wrestling around with Mr. Elephant, grunting and throwing the poor lad all about. I turn around to finish my application, and when I look back, he's asleep.

My first thought was, poor Kai, the elephant wore him out. As I looked where Kai laid his head, I found a pile of baby slobber and drool piled nicely on Mr. Elephant. Who won here? You tell me.

Yes I did say the word application. I am job hunting again.
But 8 hours daily of Kai in daycare, Kylee are you nuts??!!!
It will be nice to get out. I hope to meet people. That would be cute.
I also enjoy shopping just like, well, everyone.
Skills, socialization, money, change of scenery.
What's to lose?
Here is to hoping I don't fall off the deep end in a crummy job.
And that I can do the durn thing without missing baby TOO badly.

I would rather be attacked by an elephant, now that I think about it.
Baby drool is old news.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Aw baby Kai is gonna be surrounded by tons of strangers :(
I love those pics of him, so cute.
And for the record, I'd MUCH rather have baby drool all over me, specially if it's Kais! :)