

(Raises arms in the air)
I'm here. I'm alive.

Yes I am Still living luxuriously at the In Laws...at first I really liked it because I learned a lot from my mother in law. We would just talk about life and what not and all the sudden things started clicking for me. I wasn't happy with the way things were at that point and time so I'm glad I got a few "clickers" from her. She hasn't a clue that she did but that's okay.
Now I am ready to blast off out of here and into our new house.
Endless episodes of HGTV has gotten me PUMPED to fancy it up.
Plus, I have SO very much to look forward to there.



Mitzi said...

HI! OMG i just love Kai! He is the cutest little boy ever!

Julie Neal said...

Its really not that bad living with my parents.. hahahahahaha.... okay, they can drive ya crazy sometimes. But who will cook you dinner every night now when you move into your new house?! I read that you make good cookies..how come I have never had any?!?!

Mitzi said...

Hi Kylee! U gotta put some pics of u and Dennis on here! :)

Mitzi said...

Hope you don't mind, but i stole that pic of Kai, i couldn't help it, he is just so cute! I put it in my blog page so i can show him off some more.

alison said...

Ok, confession time. I read your ENTIRE blog. Why? Because I became hooked from the beginning, you're an amazing writer, and because I really think you're somethin'. It was good to "catch-up" (yes, this was completely one sided) and see where your life has taken you in the past little while. You really impress me, Kylee, with your strength to keep goin when things may suck (to say the least), and because you recognize the good, too.

Though I wanted to I couldn't comment on all your posts because I cheated and read at work and didn't dare start commenting.

Your baby makes smile.

And my boyfriend drives a Camry. Can we still be friends?